Wellbeing Flower Essences FE1

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This is a combination of Flower Essences, to help with wellbeing.

Essences from the Flower Essence Services are: Buttercup (appreciation of one’s self worth), Californian Wild Rose (overcoming apathy and indifference), Filaree (worry about small problems), Iris (for creative inspiration), Mullein (acknowledging inner guidance, Quince (strength and positive power of love), Saguaro (balancing to authority), Self-Heal (awakening inner self healing power), Star Tulip (listening to inner voice) and Tansy (decisive action to meet goals). Starlight Elixir Helios (for vitality).

Christchurch Flower Essences are: Cherry Blossom (serenity and joy), Daffodil – King Alfred (Enjoyment, verve, creativity), Japonica (straightforward and honest), Maple (positive emotions and behaviour), Rhododendron – Wine (bridging old and new),

Winter Rose (inner peace, staying in own energy), Bleeding Heart (emotional non-attachment), Evening Primrose (fineness of awareness), Lavender (harmonised energy around body), Marigold (illness is a communication), Rose – Peace (peace brings love and safety) and Relief Essence (injury, illness, betrayal, grief, stress.

The usual dose is 4 drops 4 times a day, or as directed.