


Lauren Artress reintroduces the ancient labyrinth, a walking meditation  that trancends the limits of still meditation, and shows us the possibilities it brings for renewal and change.

'Walking the Labyrinth' has reemerged today as a metaphor for the spiritual journey and a powerful tool for transformation. This walking meditation is an archetype, a mystical ritual found in all religious traditions. It quiets the mind and opens the soul. Walking a Sacred Path explores the historical origins of this divine imprint and shares the discoveries of modern day seekers. It shows us the potential of the Labyrinth to inspire change and renewal, and serves as a guide to help us develop the higher level of human awareness we need to survive in the twenty-first century.

What is a labyrinth?

The labyrinth is a walking meditation, a path of prayer and an archetypal blueprint where psyche meets Spirit. It has only one path that leads from the ends. Unlike a maze where you lose your way, the labyrinth is a spiritual tool that can help you find your way.

Labyrinths are usually in the form of a circle with a meandering but purposeful path, from the edge to the centre and back out again. Each has only one path, and once we make the choice to enter it the path becomes a metaphor for out path through life, sending us to the centre of the labyrinth, and then back out to the edge on the same path.

The labyrinth is spiritual tool meant to awaken is to the deep rhythm that unites us to ourselves and to the Light that calls from within. In surrendering to the winding path, the soul finds healing and wholeness.

Walking the Labyrinth quiets the mind, opens the heart and grounds the body ... Some find answers to questions long asked, some find healing, creativity, or a sense of wholeness

By comparison. mazes offer a choice of paths, some with many entrances and exits. Dead ends and cul-de-sacs present riddles to be solved. They challenge the choice-making part of ourselves. This is different from the labyrinth, which has one path, into the centre and back out again, and no tricks or dead ends.

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Getting Yourself Better

Once you get sick, of course you want to get yourself better. But it is not always such an easy step. Sometimes you need to retrace the processes that got you sick in the first place, and you always need to learn the lesson behind the illness. Otherwise there would be no advantage in getting sick.

Sometimes getting better can be easy. You have a cold or flu, and allow yourself a few days off work, to stop and think, and to get out of the rat race. You may then be a bit more objective about your everyday behaviour and obligations.

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© Rose Isbell 1991

The Coming of the Cosmic Christ

Matthew Fox



The coming together of the historical Jesus and the Cosmic Christ will make Christianity whole at last. Christianity has been out of touch with its “core”. Its centre, its sense of mystical practice and cosmic awareness. It is almost as weary and depressed as our civilisation is.

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Suppose you had a wise woman friend who was a scholar – and also the survivor of a plague many times longer and more lethal than the one we are going through now. Wouldn’t you want to know what she has to say? Thanks to Matthew Fox, we can find a friend in Julian of Norwich, exactly the mental, emotional, and spiritual vaccine we need now.   Gloria Steinem

Warrior brother to the Feminine, Rev Father Matthew Fox, like a tender archaeologist brushes away the sands of time under which lay the remarkable blessings and cogent views of Julian who wrote in the time of plague, so very similar ro our times. This work is its own kinds of spiritual vaccine to help keep one’s head even if some others are losing theirs. In this, as always, Matthew Fox anoints modern Souls with a medicine he finds in the old and venerable Holy voices. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Matthew Fox, in this gorgeous, brilliant, and beautifully written book, invites us into the heart of one of the greatest Christian mystics, Julian of Norwich. He shows us that Julian is an extraordinarily intense and inspiring guide for our time. She herself lived in a time of plague and social cataclysm, but never lost her hope in humanity or her joy in the divine presence. This inspired book will attune you to tireless truths in the middle if a whirlwind of distress and chaos and will inspire in you the courage to go in deepening your relationship with God and standing up for the glory of the creation. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Andrew Harvey

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Scientific Evidence and Homeopathy

Homeopathy is more than 200 years old, used by tens of thousands of physicians and over 500 million people worldwide, making it one of the most popular forms of integrated medicine.[1] It is based on the concept of ‘treating like with like’ (in Latin similia similibus curentur).  Homeopathic treatment aims to stimulate and direct the body’s self-healing capacity by triggering a reaction. The body reacts to stimuli, which have physiological effects (drugs or toxins) by attempting to maintain homeostasis (a stable internal environment).  Homeopathy makes therapeutic use of this effect. 

Scientific scepticism about homeopathy arises from its use of highly dilute medicines.  There is a substantial body of research on this issue: a recent review of basic research on highly dilute homeopathic medicines found 98 replicated experiments, over 70% of replications were positive. Methods used to prepare homeopathic medicines are remarkably similar to some used in cutting-edge nanotechnology and there is growing evidence that nanoparticles play a crucial role in the action of homeopathic medicines.

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The Homeopathic Echo 4

July 1855

A Journal of Health and Disease

“Health Shall Live Free, and Sickness Freely Die”

This issue of the Homeopathic Echo started with an autobiography of Samuel Hahnemann. He was born in 1755 in Saxony, surrounded by delightful spots of nature, and carefully brought up by his parents, his father’s maxim being: “To act and to be without pretension.”

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The Homeopathic Echo 3

June 1855

A journal of Health and Disease

“Health Shall Live free and Sickness Freely Die

This issue of the Homeopathic Echo continues giving information about Homeopathy, and advice about general health.

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The Homeopathic Echo 2

April 1855

This edition of the Homeopathic Echo , like the others, consists of sections on the progress of homeopathy, one on homeopathic principles, notes on hygiene, a Materia Medica, sections on domestic practice and veterinary practice, a popular lecture on physiology, and some “words to the wise”.

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The Homeopathic Echo 1

March 1855

Recently, I have been fortunate to obtain a complete set of The Homeopathic Echo, which was published in Auckland, New Zealand by Dr Carl Frank Fischer, between 1855 and 1856.

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Grading of General Symptoms

1 Mentals

The most important symptoms of the case, always provided that they are very definite and well-marked.

2 Generals

General symptoms of the patient as a whole, to bodily environment, provided they are well-marked.
To times and seasons, in heat and cold, to damp and dry, to storm and tempest, to position, jar, touch etc

3 Cravings and Aversions

Must be longings and loathings rather than mere likes and dislikes

4 Menstrual State

Aggravations of symptoms before, during and after the menses.

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