The Beacon Archives

The Beacon - December 2019

SP06camelliaredThe New Light House

I am loving my new (old) house, and have everything set up now.
This is the second year since the makeover of the garden, and it is looking wonderful.
It is especially planted to be a fragrant garden, with lilacs and wisterias and rambling roses.
Much more is planned, but you can’t do everything at once.

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The Beacon - March 2019 Updates

Here are some updates to last week’s Beacon.

Body Mind Spirit Festival


Please come and visit my stall at the Festival this weekend.

There will be lots of information about my homeopathy clinic at The Light House, and the Online Shop that sells first aid remedies.

If you mention this newsletter, you will receive a free bottle of the Christchurch Relief Essence.

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The Beacon - March 2019

After a wonderful holiday in Golden Bay, I’m back full steam ahead at The Light House, and have made lots of upgrades to the services I am offering.

Now that it is 8 years since the earthquakes, I feel I have found my feet again, and I can continue with the services I used to offer at the Bealey Avenue premises, and expand on them.

Expect pictures of the turret at the old house to appear on branding, and the old brass plaques to be polished and hung again.

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The Beacon - November 2018

Dear Friends

This newsletter is about my services, and how I can help.

I sometimes find it hard to talk about my current interests, as they span such a broad range, but here is some more information.

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