Here are some updates to last week’s Beacon.
Body Mind Spirit Festival
Please come and visit my stall at the Festival this weekend.
There will be lots of information about my homeopathy clinic at The Light House, and the Online Shop that sells first aid remedies.
If you mention this newsletter, you will receive a free bottle of the Christchurch Relief Essence.
Open Day
Please come to the Open Day at The Light House, on Sunday 31st March, between 2-4pm, at The Light House, 4 Redruth Avenue, Spreydon (off Selwyn Street).
Come and sit in the Temple (also the waiting room) and Inner Temple (the treatment room), and linger a while in the Unity Room (the workshop area. You can look at the progress on the garden, and see where the labyrinth will be made, and the Temple Garden.
Relief Essence for Disasters
If you are caught up in a disaster, of any kind, please email me, and I will you send you a free bottle of the Christchurch Relief Essence.
I have the capacity to send out lots of them, but up to a certain limit.
This follows leaving thousands outside the gate in Bealey Avenue after the February earthquake, and sending some to Kaikoura after their earthquake.
I wasn’t quite quick enough to send them for the Tasman fires, as I was passing through near there at the time.
But you can help me by requesting bottles if you are in a disaster, or recommending where to send them, if you know anyone who is.
Thanks for your help.
Measles Outbreak
Measles went from being an extremely infectious disease that was widespread in the community, to being a non existent disease in New Zealand, due to the effectiveness of the vaccination programme. In fact, even single cases of measles were notifiable to the Medical Officer of Health, so that any cases could be contained, and not spread into the community.
It is thought that the current outbreak of measles is from a traveller who had been travelling in an overseas country where there is a measles outbreak.
Unfortunately there have been a number of cases in Rangiora and Christchurch, and despite quarantining contacts, it is thought that the measles virus may already be widespread in the community.
So how did this come about? Read more on my Facebook page for The New Light House
Basic Measles Kit
You can use homomeopathic remedies to help with the treatment and prevention of measles.
The measles situation in Christchurch and Rangiora is rather difficult, as they are trying to contain the outbreak. If it is not contained, then they may stop the quarantining.
Meanwhile, there are some homeopathic remedies that can be used to help prevent measles, and to help relieve the symptoms if it does occur.
There is more information on my Facebook page The New Light House
I have First Aid pamphlets online
For prevention of measles, the most common remedy used are: Pulsatilla 30c - 4 drops 3 times over 24 hours. Follow with another dose 1 week and 2 weeks later. Morbillinum 30c - 4 drops 3 times over 24 hours.
Suggest take this the day after the first 3 doses of Pulsatilla.
The most commonly used remedy for treating measles is Pulsatilla 30c. The dose is 4 drops onto the tongue 3 times day for 2-3 days, then reassess the symptom picture. Take drops one hour away from food or drink if possible.
There are other remedies for measles as well, and if symptoms persist you could contact me for a Remote Remedy.
If you email me I can courier you out a Basic Measles Kit, containing Pulsatilla 30c and Morbillinum 30c.
The cost is $60, including courier. To minimise the paperwork I ask for payment direct to the bank account for The Light House 03 0826 0126195 003 or buy online from The Light House.
Please follow all the advice about immunisation, so that this outbreak can be brought under control as soon as possible.
You can think of immunisations in this context as being like fire breaks to help contain a fire.
Thank you, and I hope to talk to you soon.
Rose Isbell